Treatment of special hazardous liquid waste e special non-hazardous waste

For companies and waste producers, integrated solutions for the correct management of liquid water-based pollutants.

What is water-based liquid waste

By “liquid waste” we mean all the sewage and/or waste that cannot be discharged, for any reason, into the public sewage system, or when there are waste liquids for which accumulation in tanks or withdrawal by tanker is foreseen.

Liquid waste differs from waste, which is conferred from the place of production to the place of collection through a continuous and objective outflow system.

Article 256 of the TUA (Consolidated Environmental Act) establishes that anyone who carries out an irregular activity of collection, recovery, transport, disposal, trade and intermediation of liquid waste can be prosecuted by law. In this case, in fact, we speak of unauthorized waste management.

What is water-based liquid waste

By “liquid waste” we mean all the sewage and/or waste that cannot be discharged, for any reason, into the public sewage system, or when there are waste liquids for which accumulation in tanks or withdrawal by tanker is foreseen.

Liquid waste differs from waste, which is conferred from the place of production to the place of collection through a continuous and objective outflow system.

Article 256 of the TUA (Consolidated Environmental Act) establishes that anyone who carries out an irregular activity of collection, recovery, transport, disposal, trade and intermediation of liquid waste can be prosecuted by law. In this case, in fact, we speak of unauthorized waste management.

Trattamento rifiuti liquidi speciali pericolosi e speciali non pericolosi - Ecodep Smaltimento Rifiuti Sicilia

Liquid waste disposal plant

Thanks to a chemical-physical-biological purification plant and related services, we offer companies and subjects producing water based liquid waste a complete and high-quality service in every activity relating to the correct management of polluting liquids: from collection to transport and subsequent disposal.

ADR vacuum cleaner

We have an authorized ADR vacuum cleaner and state-of-the-art equipment for the vacuum suction of liquid and muddy waste, also subject to the regulation of dangerous goods under the ADR regime and subsequent transport to our treatment plant.

Industrial washing

Ecodep carries out very high-pressure hydrodynamic cleaning work on industrial plants of any type with qualified personnel and in full compliance with regulations, with the primary objective of safeguarding public health and the environment.

Tanks remediation

The remediation service allows you to empty the tanks and cisterns, both underground and above ground, eliminating the polluting residues present and restoring their complete functionality, verifying its structural integrity.

Request Ecodep services for the collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of liquid waste

Richiedi i servizi Ecodep - Ecodep Smaltimento Rifiuti Sicilia