Disposal of contaminated packaging waste CER 150110*
Disposal of special waste: packaging contaminated by dangerous substances
Packaging contaminated by dangerous substances, identified with the EWC code 150110, are produced in the industrial sector as a production or processing residue.
For the disposal of this dangerous waste, even more attention must be paid. An incorrect assignment of the code or an incorrect waste management expose the producer to heavy fines, up to penal measures.
The toxic substances contained in the waste identified by the CER code 150110, if not correctly managed, can pollute the environment and endanger health.
Disposal of special waste: packaging contaminated by dangerous substances
Packaging contaminated by dangerous substances, identified with the EWC code 150110, are produced in the industrial sector as a production or processing residue.
For the disposal of this dangerous waste, even more attention must be paid. An incorrect assignment of the code or an incorrect waste management expose the producer to heavy fines, up to penal measures.
The toxic substances contained in the waste identified by the CER code 150110, if not correctly managed, can pollute the environment and endanger health.
CER 150110 disposal: why rely on Ecodep
Certified professionalism
State-of-the-art systems
360° management
EWC code for hazardous waste
The EWC code (European Waste Catalogue) identifies with numerical sequences, made up of 6 digits combined in pairs, the different types of waste based on the process production from which it originated.
The first group of numbers identifies the chapter, the second is intended for the production process from which the waste originates, while the third indicates the substances actually contained in the rejection.
EWC codes identify both non-hazardous and hazardous waste, identified by the presence of an asterisk after the digits. The dangerousness of the waste is established through analysis of laboratory that verify the exceeding of “threshold values” identified by the Directives on classification.
The list of CER codes is included in Attachment D od Legislative Decree 3 April 2006, n. 152 which treats the “Environmental regulations- Part Four- Regulations on waste management and remediation of polluted sites”.
Paragraph 3 specifies the criteria to be followed for the correct identification of the CER code to be attributed to a waste, established according to the activity and the specific production process that generated it. On the basis of the CER code, the total management of waste, from storage, is established and regulated to disposal.
The CER code must be reported on the SISITRI form (waste identification form) and on the waste loading and unloading register.
Failure to comply with the regulations entails both administrative and criminal sanctions of the company and of the responsible lawyers.
Recovery of dangerous packaging
Packaging that has contained dangerous products, identified by the EER 150110 code followed by an asterisk, are considered dangerous as they have come into contact with toxic substances.
Buckets, drums, tanks, systems, flasks, bottles are contaminated if they contain residues od substances such as:
_ corrosive liquids
_ flammable liquids
_ toxic substances
_ paints or solvents
_ oxidizers
_ flammable solids
_ self-reactive materials.
In this case it is essential to dispose of them correctly to avoid penalties and above all to protect the environment and people.

Hazardous special waste disposal plant
Ecodep has implemented a plant dedicated to the disposal of contaminated packaging waste, structured along two lines:
_ Line dedicated to the treatment of metal packaging which has contained paints, resins, inks, lubricating oils, etc;
_ Line dedicated to the treatment of the plastic packaging they have contained chemicals and related substances.
Thanks to the treatments, both plastic and metal waste can be recycled and come back to life as a new material within the production cycle.
The metal packaging treatment line crushes and decontaminates them from pollutants in order to obtain a product ready for reuse. This raw material, being suitable for smelting, is delivered to steel mills and used for the production of new materials used in various sectors (for example rods for construction).

The plastic packaging recovery line subjects the waste to mechanical treatment thorough washing, obtaining quality raw material free of impurities. The line is also equipped with a system for separating polyolefin plastic, such as polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), from non-polyolefin plastic according to the specific weight. The plastic materials obtained are reused in the printing and extrusion industries: PE is used, for example, to make supermarket bags, adhesive tapes, etc. while PP is usually reused to produce containers for detergents or cleaners. The reuse of recovered plastic is also finding wide use in the automotive and furniture sectors.
Thanks to this plant, Ecodep is pursuing the European strategy of the Circular and Green Economy action plan, aimed at increasing the efficiency of resource use and supporting an economy action plan, aimed at increasing the efficiency of resource use and supporting an economy based on the total reuse, recovery and valorisation of waste.
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